



Argentine Tango is a glorious experience with a partner, but this expression can be enhanced when performed in a group. For those already dancing as amateurs, instructors, or professionally, the choreography group Tango can help solidify your skills and introduce you to advanced techniques. At Miriam Lea Dance in Minneapolis, MN, we offer Tango choreographies in many forms, from joining our Argentine Tango Choreographic group – ”La Revuelta Norte,” to customized choreography for an upcoming wedding, competition, or other events.

Advanced Dance Classes for Tango Choreography Skills

Choreography group classes offer an opportunity for dancers of all levels to enhance and solidify their skills. Even if you have mastered the skills of Argentine Tango basics, some intricacies require specialized instruction. Joining a choreographic group with leaders like Miriam Lea and our other instructors can enhance your performance and overall skills. Some benefits that our students and participants learn from joining our choreography group include:

• Improve music interpretation skills
• Advanced navigation and spatial awareness
• Incorporating tricks and flair
• Learning choreography shortcuts for accurate timing

Becoming part of a Tango choreographic group can take your skills to the next level. Whether leading or following, you can improve your skills and have more fun than you have ever had dancing. We have many opportunities for new members, and you can take other dance classes at our studio concurrently while dancing as part of our group.

Tango Choreography in Minneapolis

Are you entering a dance competition or want to create a memorable wedding or event? Professional choreography in Minneapolis, MN, is available through Miriam Lea Dance. We offer personalized and customized professional choreography, whether you are at the professional or amateur dance level.

To learn more about our choreographies for Argentine Tango, contact our studio the Twin Cities. We offer opportunities to make music videos to the song Tanguera, wedding choreography, group performances, and much more to enhance your dancing skills. Contact us today – we welcome new leading and following dancers for our choreographic group performances.