
Private Instruction

Private Instruction

Private Instruction

Learning the intricate steps and timeless style of Argentine Tango can boost your confidence and enhance your life. Whether you want to impress others at an upcoming event or just learn the Tango for your own benefit, individual dance lessons are the ultimate form of instruction to gain new skills. Miriam Lea is a leader in the Argentine Tango worldwide community, offering private instruction in the exquisite beauty of Tango.

Argentine Tango is one of the most desirable forms of ballroom-style dancing, a show-stopping performance that makes a dramatic impact on any audience. The best way to truly learn this intricate form of dancing is with private instruction from an experienced dance instructor. At Miriam Lea Dance, you receive personalized Tango dance lessons that are designed to help you gain the skills to maximize your progress in a quicker and more productive environment.

Private Dance Instructor Near Me

Miriam Lea Dance studio welcomes individuals from all communities to experience the nuances of Argentine Tango. For many of our students, private dance lessons are the ideal format to achieve their dance goals. Mariam Lea and our instructors ensure our students receive lessons that focus on YOU, whether you come alone or with a partner. We understand that everyone learns differently, and we utilize a form of instruction that will best suit your learning style.

Minneapolis Dance Lessons

If you are looking for private dance lessons for adults in the Twin Cities, Miriam Lea Dance is your source for individual dance lessons. We tailor every session to help you meet your goals and achieve advanced skills to perform the timeless beauty of Argentine Tango. Our inclusive dance studio welcomes students from all genders and sexual orientations, providing private instruction and group dance lessons at our Minneapolis, MN studio.

For those wishing to learn Argentine Tango, private dance lessons are available through Miriam Lea. Receive customized and personalized lessons that can help you streamline and accelerate learning Argentine Tango. Contact our dance studio in Minneapolis, MN, for more information about private instruction or our bootcamp tango dance classes.